Friday, August 27


If you know me, and you have had a child while we were friends, than you have probably received one of these...

... a handmade baby quilt!  This is my latest creation for my soon to arrive nephew, L.J.  Isn't it cute?  Over the years, I have probably made over 20 quilts.  They are all different patterns, different fabrics and special for their own cuteness.  This one, I have to say, is probably my favorite.  It is the first time that I have used the fuzzy fabric on the back and it is so soft!  The texture makes it especially cozy, which L.J. will need for those cold Colorado nights.  (The cute rhino is not for L.J., that belongs to my husband because he loves rhinos and he is still just a big baby when it comes right down to it.)

Wednesday, August 25

An Oldie but Goodie

Okay, a REALLY old picture.  I think this is from 1973 or 1974, either just before or just after I was born.  Here is my dad, building a geodesic dome.  We lived in Nogales, Arizona and this was our greenhouse.  My parents also had goats and so we had goat milk, too!  I don't really remember much about it, but I've heard stories.  And although I was really young, I do remember the dome a little too.  I just love my dad!  He can build anything and everything!  I know I got my work ethic and my strength from my dad.  He is the hardest working person I know!

Friday, August 20

Little Package

I planted TONS of sunflower seeds at the beginning of summer.  So excited to see my 10" sunflowers! Yes!  That is what the package said 10" flowers on top of a 3' stalk.  I waited.  And waited.  And waited all summer long.  The seeds and plants got plenty of water.  And plenty of sun.  And finally, after what seemed like FOREVER, I got ONE, that's right just ONE plant.  And ONE flower.  Let's just start by saying, it is not 3' tall, and it is definitely NOT 10" big either.  Oh well, it is pretty!

Well, maybe next summer!

Wednesday, August 18


over the Rainbow... I am sure that you would find this amazing cake.  Not only super cool to look at but super yummy to eat, too!  Abby and I spent 2 days making this awesome cake.  I got the idea here.  We didn't make ours quite as elaborate, maybe next time.  But for the first try, it was way worth it!

The bottom layer is grapes, then blueberry, kiwi, lemon, orange and finally strawberry.  We used the fruit for color, but just to make the colors pop, we added some food coloring too!  It was a hit for our "New Recipe Night".

Friday, August 13


I am always trying to fix the healthiest of lunches as well as be less harmful on the environment, you know like all those ziploc baggies and plastic containers and individual wrapper type things.  So, this year, we have started a new lunch ritual.  First of all, I had to start making lunches before we go to bed, because mornings are seriously too hectic to make these fancy-shmancy lunches and get ready to go to work.  And honestly, I can't wake up before 6:30 anyway.  I am NOT a morning person.  I am not a night owl either, but anywaysssss.....

Here are my kids new lunches...

Notice the cute little cucumbers cut up like stars.  And the kiwi is cut in the shape of maple leafs.  Cute, huh?  Now, I didn't come up with these ideas on my own, has some awesome lunch ideas.  You are probably asking yourself, why spend all the time cookie-cutting out the veggies and kiwi. I thought the same thing, but truly, by the time you peel, you haven't spent any more time with the cookie cutter and there really isn't any more waste either.  Plus, everything just goes into the composter anyway.  So, on top of the sandwich goes a blue freezer thing-y to keep everything cold and then the small dishes get covered and put on top.  It is all wrapped nicely and looks just like the one on the right.  They go into an insulated lunch bag with a refillable water bottle and a juice box.  So the only thing that gets thrown away is the juice box.  Nice, right?

A picture of my cuties on their first day of school.  My sixth grader would die if she knew I called her a cutie... (But see the cute little lunch boxes!)

Thursday, August 12


Andy and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary this week.  As money is tight, it was to be a no biggie celebration anyway.  But, here is the silliness that followed.  School started for the girls Wednesday morning, so it was my first day back to work after my limited-hours summer, which I love because I spend a little time playing, and hate because I get a little behind.  Anyway, get to work and walk into Andy's office and wish him a Happy Anniversary.  He looks at his watch and back at me and says, "Are you just trying to be rude about it?" I said, "No, really I meant to wish you Happy Anniversary this morning, but it was busy getting the girls ready for school."  He starts laughing, because one... he forgot about our anniversary, but two... it was actually the day before, so I got the day wrong!!  Hah!

I asked a fellow employee what that meant, and she said what I think is true.  We concentrate on the marriage, not on the day.  What do you think?

Tuesday, August 10

Hot Stove Poker

One of my first favorites, taken in my mom's garden in Sedona.

Saturday, August 7

In Honor of the Fallen

One of the most emotional pictures for me.  Andy and I went to Washington DC in April and visited  Arlington National Cemetary.  It was a very moving day for me.  Watching the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  I couldn't even take a picture of the event.  I felt like I would take something away from it, and I knew that looking at a picture would not be able to convey the emotions that I felt that day anyway.  But a photo I did take to help me remember the amount of sacrifice so many men and women have made for the people of the United States.

Thursday, August 5



Is anybody out there????
Purgatory, June 2008

Monday, August 2

Quandary Peak Colorado

I don't remember if I took this picture or my friend Cindy, but it is one of my favorites.  We were probably at about 13000 feet elevation on our 14'er hike when we came across a family of mountain goats.  We didn't really know how they would react to us, so we just kind of took it slow and this little guy posed for us.  Good memories, cool picture.