Wednesday, September 16

Early Birthday

My birthday is just around the corner and every year, the dreaded but unavoidable question surfaces, "What do you want for your birthday?"  And of course it happened one Monday night when my dad called to visit.  It used to be such an easy question to answer when I was younger.  Now it seems that what I really want is either really expensive, or I figure I really don't need it anyway.  But, finally, this year I had an answer.  I have been wanting to build a Square Foot Garden.  Who better to help than my dad.

So, Saturday, he arrives with a truckload of rock....

and some redwood to build my boxes.

Unloading the 2 tons of rock will probably prove to be the easiest part of the job, and I didn't even have to do that!  Now the hard part... time to tear out the bushes in the corner of my yard.

Even out the hard as rock dirt to make a level surface for my garden, build the boxes for the garden, lay out 200 or so square feet of flagstone, mix the dirt to fill my square foot garden and then of course plant my wonderful garden.

So, I think I have my work cut out for me for the next few weekends, and maybe by the time my birthday arrives, it will be done.  Keep posted for pictures of the finished project!

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